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Mzia Shelia


The study of the issue of intergenerational transfers at a macro level in Georgia has begun mainly since 1970s. Its needwas caused by considerable demographic changes, in particular, the demographic aging occurring in the population of Georgia. In that period, the country had already become demographically aged, with the share of its inhabitants aged 60 and over amounting to 12,5%. In the post-Soviet period, the process of study of this issue became more active, especially after the year 2000. The system of social protection established during the period of demographic growth required modernizationunder the conditions of market economy. Respectively, the issue of pension age was actively discussed as it was planned to move from the solidarity (distributive) pension system to the cumulative pension system; however, no large-scale scientific research of this issue was performed. Recommendations with respect to changes to the system of pension provision were drafted based only on the experience of certain individual countries.

As regards the study of the issue at a macro level, respective attempts were made later on, in 2007-2009. In particular, the international project Generation & Gender Survey in Georgia considered studying intergenerational transfers, although, only a small part of the study material was published that did not allow drawing in-depth conclusions. Therefore, in the framework of the study conducted by the Institute of Demography and Sociology of Georgia in 2013-2014, we made an effort to examine the issue of transformation of relationships within the family in the post-Soviet period. Results of the study of the issues of intergenerational relations and intergenerational transfers were also taken into consideration. 2012 respondents were surveyed by random selection. When selecting the respondents, their gender, age and educational background were taken into account. It was established that the transfers are altruistic in nature, with their main direction – from parents to children. Transfers between grandchildren and the elder were studied that led to the conclusion that regardless of scarce transfers, due to their regularity, the family manages to provide the elder with essential material conditions to help them retain vitality. In addition, as a sociological survey does not allow to precisely determine the volume of transfers, we consider it necessary to include respective questions in the survey of households undertaken by the National Office of Statistics. This will enable us to determine the role of a family in the provision of pensioners that will render the social protection system more mobile and focused on the individuals who are in most need.